Spanish 21 Strategy Card
This makes Spanish 21 one of the most interesting of Blackjack games to play and it is very important to use correct Spanish 21 Blackjack strategy in order to have a chance at winning. Spanish 21 Rules. Benefits: - Dealer peeks at its hole card when the up card is an Ace or a ten value card - Late surrender is allowed.
Spanish 21 strategy chart,live soccer football,play rainbow jackpots,ping hoofer,football legends 2016,swing caddie sc300. How to play Spanish 21 (Spanish Blackjack) is played on a blackjack table with a custom layout and uses the following rules:Spanish 21 or Spanish Blackjack i.
Why the hell do I even bother trying to play Spanish 21? After 3 attempts at 3 separate casinos, I've given up. It's simply not fun. Why, you may ask? Well...
1. People only get angry with you
Try printing out the Wizard's strategy chart, following it, and see what happens. At some places, most people at least seem to understand that always hitting a 12, or not doubling a 3-card 11 against a face, are good plays. But hit a 14 against a 3, or against a 4 when it's a's almost comical how angry some players get. And don't even mention 17 vs. Ace. At Delaware Park, one lady even accused me of working for the casino to make her lose. (I vehemently denied it, then shared an exaggerated wink with the dealer and pit boss and said, 'drinks on me tonight, fellas.')
2. That damned Match the Dealer bet
The only good thing about this bet, as far as I can tell, is that it slows the game down when everyone else is playing it, meaning I lose more slowly (see number 3). Otherwise, at every place, the pattern is the same: don't make the bet, hand is dealt, some old lady on the table (and in some cases, the dealer as well) crowing about how 'you would've made $60!' when I get a perfect match. Never mind the 20 hands previous where I would have lost. And again, some people get ANGRY about this, too. What the hell do they care what I do with my money?
3. I've lost my effing shirt
I trust what the Wizard says. I don't think he's being paid by the casinos to write that the game has an HE close to, or better than, blackjack when played optimally. But I just haven't seen it. No, I don't expect to win in the long run, but at least in blackjack most of the time a decent buy-in will last a while, and I have a decent chance of being up in a session.
All my Spanish 21 sessions have been down, down, down. Well OK, I did break even that one time at the Borgata. But otherwise, it's the same story. The bonuses for certain 21's should make up for the removal of 10's...somehow I never hit any of them. Hit a 12 against a 6...get a face every time. That seems to happen to the dealer a whole lot less often, doesn't it?
Screw this, I'm sticking to games that I don't need to always consult a piece of paper to play. If you're just gambling for fun, not as an AP, it should be a fun atmosphere...and Spanish 21 simply is not an enjoyable experience, for the reasons above.
Rant over.
one night when I lost on pretty much everything else I went up to a pontoon table and pretty much won all my money back :D
Hitting hard 17 against an ace and getting a 4, only to see the rest of the table lose to 21
then having the lecture of 'its a team game' and people trying to advise me on how to play, or inform me that im throwing my money away
its very frustrating at times :D
edit: in 7 years ive only seen 1 person other then myself play correct strategy

Warning: Venting of frustration ahead.
1. People only get angry with you
This is why I will only play Spanish by myself or with one other person. I will also explain to that person that I'm using a strategy card for Spanish 21, and if they are curious about rules, they can ask me. If the table fills up, I'm GONE!
2. That damned Match the Dealer bet
Yet another reason I prefer to play alone. If the dealer is giving me a hard time about not playing it, I will play all tips on the bet. Occasionally it hits for them, and I'm happy for them. But most of the time, they end up losing.
3. I've lost my effing shirt
I trust what the Wizard says. I don't think he's being paid by the casinos to write that the game has an HE close to, or better than, blackjack when played optimally. But I just haven't seen it. No, I don't expect to win in the long run, but at least in blackjack most of the time a decent buy-in will last a while, and I have a decent chance of being up in a session.
All my Spanish 21 sessions have been down, down, down. Well OK, I did break even that one time at the Borgata. But otherwise, it's the same story. The bonuses for certain 21's should make up for the removal of 10's...somehow I never hit any of them. Hit a 12 against a 6...get a face every time. That seems to happen to the dealer a whole lot less often, doesn't it?
Yeah, my past few sessions have been like that. However, on Spanish, I seem to find a pocket of good runs that I can capitalize on. This is usually when the deck is low in tens, which I'm not sure I understand, but I guess that means you hit more, thus making more 21s. I like Spanish 21 overall though, and besides Pai Gow Tiles and Ultimate Texas Hold Em, it's the only game that I have to think while playing, and outside of craps and tiles, the only game that still excites me.
People only get angry with you.
Imagine how I feel. My ten years in Baltimore I played Spanish 21 a lot in Atlantic City, to the dismay the entire table.
at least in blackjack most of the time a decent buy-in will last a while...All my Spanish 21 sessions have been down, down, down.
Spanish 21 Basic Strategy Card

months. They couldn't win a session to save their lives, they lost

Basic Strategy For Spanish 21
almost all the money they'd won. You got in at a bad time, when
the variance is in a slump. If you stick with it, the swing will come
your way. But its pointless, you can't stay ahead, so why bother.
(I'm talking about the first team, the team after
them did quite well.)
edit: in the WoO game comparison page (go about half way down the page), I see Sp. 21 looks better in his 'element of risk' evaluation than BJ. I wonder why that is?
Spanish 21 Strategy Card
I see Sp. 21 looks better in his 'element of risk' evaluation than BJ. I wonder why that is?
Spanish 21 Odds
Most likely because a player 21 always wins and a player BJ always gets paid at 3:2, regardless of the dealer outcome. In regular BJ, you have to figure a small percentage of the time those hands will push. Adjust your strategy on Spanish, and theoretically the player makes more drawing hands pat hands, of which, roughly a fifth of those would be drawn to 21, which automatically wins.